70 W. Stockton St, Sonora, CA 95370
Business Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
11:00am. - 8:00pm.
Sunday - closed
Monday - closed
* Take-out available
* Dine-in available
What's in it?... rice, chicken, teriyaki glaze, cucumber, corn, edamame, carrot, scallions, cilantro and sesame seeds.
How many calories in a chicken teriyaki bowl?... Approximately 650
Allergens: May contain soy, fish, peanut, egg, wheat, seeds, corn, spices, meat, apple, pear, onion, green onion and gelatin.
If you have any allergens, please ask us what's in each item and/or consult with your physician for your health safety.
Business Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
11:00am. - 8:00pm.
Sunday - closed
Monday - closed
* Take-out available
* Dine-in available